The Magnetic Power of Gratitude in Attracting Prosperity

Meet Khwan Hathai… Financial Therapist and Author

Khwan is a trailblazing Certified Financial Planner and Certified Financial Therapist, who earned her Master of Science in Financial Planning. As she combines her qualifications and extensive professional experience in the wealth management industry in revolutionary ways, she has become renowned for her innovative approach that merges the robust methodologies of money mindset shift, behavioral financial planning, and somatic breathwork healing. As the Founder of Epiphany Financial Therapy, Khwan has established herself as a pioneer in the field of financial therapy. With her diverse background and global vision, Khwan provides a new and unique approach to money management that redefines financial health by integrating the wisdom of body and mind with behavioral economics – a departure from traditional financial advice. Khwan is a visionary leader who is deeply passionate about empowering women to achieve financial and emotional wellness. Her expertise and dedication have helped women everywhere to reduce their money stress levels and elevate their overall self-worth and net-worth. Her result-driven holistic system has transformed the lives of countless women, helping them to achieve greater financial security, emotional well-being, and overall life satisfaction.

What kind of work do you do?

I’m a financial therapist and the founder of Epiphany Financial Therapy. My work focuses on empowering high-achieving women to achieve both financial and emotional intelligence. I use my signature Trifecta Financial Therapy Framework, which masterfully combines a money mindset shift, behavioral financial planning, and somatic breathwork healing to help my clients navigate their financial journeys with confidence and emotional resilience, leading to lasting financial health and emotional well-being.

What inspired you to get started as an entrepreneur?

Throughout my long career in wealth management, I’ve worked with clients who possess extensive knowledge and numerous degrees, and I’ve known many individuals in positions of power and material wealth. I’ve seen people build empires only to watch them fall apart abruptly.

Despite their outward success, their energy was constantly depleted. No matter how hard they tried, their motivation vanished, and the void in their souls remained unfilled. More cars, luxury trips, money, fame, and material success only deepened their dissatisfaction. I discovered that true satisfaction and fulfillment only come from within—specifically through embodiment. Healing the nervous system, where our subconscious mind, beliefs, and traumas reside, can lead to lasting, true wealth and happiness. This realization revealed a significant gap in the market. Traditional financial advisory often overlooks emotional and physiological well-being, while traditional mental health professionals typically lack financial expertise. With my experience, I understood that financial health is rooted in deep internal work. True wealth is never just numbers, but always emotions.

Our relationship with money requires addressing and healing deep-seated money stories and expanding both our emotional and financial horizons. This insight inspired me to create Epiphany Financial Therapy, where we bridge this gap by integrating emotional, physiological, and energetic well-being into financial planning and money management. Through our signature Trifecta Financial Therapy Framework, we can truly help clients achieve a holistic sense of wealth and well-being.

Khwan Hathai

What was your biggest struggle to get things going for your online business?

One of the biggest challenges I faced was establishing visibility online amidst a sea of distractions and standing out as the right solution for my ideal clientele. The digital world is incredibly crowded, and capturing the attention of those who would truly benefit from our services at Epiphany Financial Therapy was no small feat. It took a lot of strategic thinking and effort to communicate our unique value proposition effectively. We had to ensure that our message about the integration of financial planning with emotional and physiological well-being resonated deeply with high-achieving women who were searching for a more holistic approach to financial health. It was about cutting through the noise and authentically connecting with our audience, showing them that our unique approach could truly transform their financial and emotional lives.

Was there a time you thought about giving up? What kept you from quitting?

Never. As I mentioned earlier, I’ve had the privilege of working with countless successful individuals, both clients and colleagues. From these experiences, I’ve learned a valuable lesson: successful people often fail more than most, but they fail fast and learn quickly. They grow from their mistakes and challenges.

For me, quitting has never been an option. I don’t even create space in my mind for a Plan B. When I commit to something, I go all in. I believe that resilience and persistence are key to achieving any meaningful success. The challenges I’ve faced have only strengthened my resolve. I’ve always seen setbacks as opportunities to learn and improve, not as reasons to give up. So, no matter how tough things get, I keep moving forward, knowing that each step brings me closer to my goals.

What have you learned since beginning?

To trust my intuition. I’ve realized that when I take inspired actions guided by the voice within, they lead me to the right places, people, and opportunities 100% of the time. In the past, there were moments when I acted out of fear, societal expectations, or overthinking, and those actions almost always led to misalignment and sometimes even regrets. Nowadays, my mission is to deeply listen to and be guided by that inner voice. I’ve found that intuition is a powerful and accurate compass, helping me navigate through both personal and professional decisions with clarity and confidence. It’s about tuning out the noise and trusting that inner guidance, which has proven to be invaluable on my entrepreneurial journey.

What’s the best advice you’ve received?

One of the best pieces of advice I’ve received is that the happiest people are slowing down, not speeding up. In a world that glorifies hustle culture and the constant grind, the happiest people are doing the opposite. They’re slowing down. We’ve been conditioned to believe that success means perpetual busyness.

But at what cost? The relentless pursuit of more often leads to burnout, anxiety, and a lack of fulfillment. As a naturally Type A person, I used to constantly do too much, always pushing myself to the limit. But I’ve learned that slowing down creates space for what truly matters: genuine joy, purposeful presence, and quality time with family and friends. Embracing a slower pace has allowed me to focus on these meaningful aspects of life, bringing a deeper sense of fulfillment and balance. Embracing a slower pace has been transformative for me. It’s about finding balance and giving yourself the space to breathe, reflect, and connect. This shift has helped me focus on what truly brings happiness and fulfillment, rather than getting caught up in the relentless rush. By slowing down, I’ve discovered a deeper sense of joy and contentment that was missing when I was constantly on the go.

What advice would you give someone just starting out?

My advice is to keep in mind that success without fulfillment is essentially failure. There’s an interesting paradox for entrepreneurs: you start a business seeking freedom, but you might end up feeling trapped. To avoid this, consider some unconventional strategies. Work less to accomplish more, since overworking can hinder your creativity and effectiveness. Learn to say no more frequently, focusing on what truly matters and avoiding overcommitment. Opt for simplicity rather than scaling too quickly, mastering the basics before expanding. Develop systems instead of just making to-do lists; systems provide consistency and efficiency, which can clear mental space. Allocate time for thinking to allow yourself to strategize and innovate without the constant pressure of action. Value relationships over mere networking; genuine connections are more beneficial than superficial contacts.

Assess fulfillment, not just profits, as true success involves personal satisfaction and well-being. Always remember, a successful business should complement your life, not dominate it. Your aim should be effectiveness and fulfillment, not perpetual busyness.

Khwan Hathai

What’s the professional win you’re most proud of?

There are many that I’m proud of, but one that stands out is publishing my first book, “The Money Epiphany: Beyond Numbers, the Art of Embracing Emotional Wealth.” I wrote this book with high-achieving women in mind, who, despite their career success, often wrestle with financial imposter syndrome.

Many of these women face silent struggles with financial anxiety, even when they seem outwardly successful. I created “The Money Epiphany” as a compassionate roadmap to transform the exhaustion and stress surrounding money into a revitalizing quest for self-empowerment and financial renewal.

This book goes beyond mere financial advice; it’s a heartfelt exploration into the depths of your money psyche, unveiling a path to both financial prosperity and inner peace. Seeing the impact it’s had on readers, helping them find clarity and confidence in their financial journeys, has been incredibly fulfilling.

Which book(s) would you recommend to help entrepreneurs with success and personal development?

Mine, of course!:) But aside from that, I highly recommend “The 4-Hour Work week” by Tim Ferriss. This book was very helpful for me when I decided to leave my corporate job to start my own company. It prompted me to ask myself, “How can I work smarter and not harder?” Tim challenges the old concept of retirement and the deferred-life plan, emphasizing that there’s no need to wait to live your dreams, especially in unpredictable economic times. Whether your goal is to escape the rat race, travel the world, or earn a six-figure income with minimal work, the book is a game-changer for anyone looking to maximize their productivity and achieve a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Do you have a routine that you attest to your success? If yes, what is it?

Absolutely! My Magnetic Morning Routine is a cornerstone of my success. It consists of my me-first self-care rituals like meditation, breathwork, yoga, journaling, and visualization. These daily practices help me start my workday with a clear mind and an open heart. From that place of inner peace and personal power, I find my day to be incredibly productive and creative, even though I typically don’t work more than 4 hours a day. This routine ensures that I am centered, focused, and ready to tackle whatever comes my way, making my work both efficient and fulfilling.

How has social media played a factor in your success?

Social media has been a game-changer in my work as a digital entrepreneur. It’s allowed me to connect with a broader audience and share my message in ways that were previously unimaginable. Through various platforms, I’ve been able to build a community of like-minded individuals who are interested in financial and emotional wellness. Social media has also given me a platform to showcase my expertise and the unique approach of Epiphany Financial Therapy. By sharing valuable content, engaging with my audience, and providing insights into my work, I’ve been able to establish myself as a thought leader in the industry. It’s incredible how a single post or reel can resonate with so many people and lead to meaningful interactions and opportunities. Additionally, social media has been instrumental in driving the success of my book. It’s allowed me to reach readers who might not have found the book otherwise and to create a buzz around its launch. Overall, social media has been a powerful tool for growth, connection, and sharing my passion for helping ambitious women achieve financial and emotional intelligence.

What are the biggest social media mistakes you see commonly made?

One of the biggest mistakes I see on social media is people focusing too much on vanity metrics like likes and followers. While it’s nice to have a large following, what truly matters is the quality of engagement. Are you building genuine relationships with your audience? Are your followers actively engaging with your content and finding value in it? It’s important to remember that the number of likes and followers often doesn’t translate directly to sales. You can have thousands of followers, but if they aren’t engaged or interested in what you’re offering, it won’t impact your business positively. Instead of chasing numbers, focus on creating content that resonates deeply with your target audience. Foster a community where people feel connected and valued. High engagement means that your audience is interacting with your content, sharing it, and having meaningful conversations. This kind of engagement leads to stronger brand loyalty and higher conversion rates. It’s about turning followers into advocates who are genuinely interested in your message and are more likely to become loyal customers. I’m also working to master the engagement skill myself. It’s definitely not easy, but it’s necessary in the online world.

Prioritizing authentic relationships and providing real value over simply increasing your follower count is crucial. This approach will lead to more meaningful interactions and ultimately, a more successful and impactful social media presence.

What is the business tool that’s been most helpful?

One of the most helpful tools for me has been Fathom. It’s a free Zoom app that records, transcribes, and highlights key moments from your Zoom calls, allowing you to focus on the conversation instead of taking notes. This tool has been a game-changer during my meetings with the remote team.

I don’t have to worry about missing important details. It provides instant access to fully transcribed and highlighted recordings, so I can jump directly to the key points and action items without waiting for the recording to process. The auto-generated call summaries are incredibly efficient, turning a 30-minute call into a concise 1-minute read. Fathom also integrates seamlessly with CRM systems like Salesforce and HubSpot, automatically logging calls and summaries, which eliminates the need for post-call data entry. This saves a tremendous amount of time and ensures that all information is accurately captured and updated.

Is there something you wish everyone knew?

I wish everyone knew about the field of financial therapy and took advantage of it. It’s a relatively new field that combines the expertise of financial planning with the insights of mental health. Financial therapy helps people process their emotions around money, enabling them to make wiser and clearer financial choices. In our society, money is often a taboo subject. Most people feel ashamed or afraid to discuss their money problems and emotions around money, even with their loved ones. This silence can lead to a lot of unnecessary stress and poor financial decisions. Working with a professional financial therapist provides a safe, non-judgmental space to explore your feelings and money woes. It’s about creating a supportive environment where you can openly discuss your financial challenges and receive solid guidance. This combination of emotional support and practical advice is incredibly powerful, helping individuals not only improve their financial health but also their overall well-being. Financial therapy is so needed, yet many people don’t even know it exists. By integrating emotional and financial wellness, it offers a holistic approach that can transform lives. I truly believe it’s something everyone should be aware of and consider for their personal and financial growth. Remember, money is never just numbers, but always emotions.

What’s coming up for you in the next few months?

I’m thrilled to announce that my new book, “Breathe to Wealth: An Infinite Guide to Somatic Financial Healing,” will be published in September! If you’re an ambitious achiever who has checked all the financial boxes but still feels unfulfilled, this book is for you. It’s your companion on a journey to transform financial stress into self-empowerment. This heartfelt guide reveals how financial decisions are rooted in emotions, not just numbers, and helps you master the complex web of emotions influencing your financial choices. You’ll learn how breathwork can enhance your mental, physiological, emotional, and financial states. The book delves into the relationship between breathwork, brainwaves, the nervous system, the vagus nerve, heart coherence, hormones, neurotransmitters, and your financial reality. You’ll also identify and heal the physiological and emotional scars of financial trauma using your breath, transform negative emotions into emotional intelligence and resilience, and rewire your brain for prosperity through the Reticular Activating System and neuroplasticity. “Breathe to Wealth” covers concepts like Money Energy, the Law of Resonance, and the Law of Circulation, demonstrating how to use your own breath for financial alignment. You’ll discover powerful breath biohacks to optimize your financial and emotional well-being. This book goes beyond traditional financial advice, offering a soulful exploration of your money consciousness. By integrating somatic breathwork healing, I share a transformative approach that leads to true wealth and inner peace.

What has being successful taught you?

Being successful has taught me that success and happiness are meant to be shared. Working on something I genuinely enjoy, and that positively impacts many people, brings me true joy. I’ve learned that money comes naturally when you’re doing great work. I stopped prioritizing money and instead focused on how I can contribute to the shift in people’s consciousness, which ultimately leads to a better world for all of us. It’s incredibly fulfilling to know that my work can inspire and help others, and this sense of purpose has become the real measure of my success. Success isn’t just about personal achievements; it’s about how those achievements can be used to uplift and benefit others.

What are some fun facts about you?

I’m a proud dog mama to Cosmo, my 3-year-old Labrador and the undisputed CEO of our household. Cosmo has taught me some profound life lessons, like how to love unconditionally and that staying mad for more than 5 seconds is a waste of good belly-rub time. He’s shown me the joy in the small things—like a perfectly thrown tennis ball—and reminds me daily to play more and stress less. Cosmo’s also a big believer in rest, often demonstrating the art of napping in the most enviable way. He’s my personal guru in loyalty, always by my side, and my biggest cheerleader, especially when treats are involved.

Thanks to Cosmo, I’ve embraced the philosophy of working less and enjoying life more. After all, who can argue with a face like his?

How can our readers find you online?

Epiphany Financial Therapy’s website:
The Money Epiphany book’s website:
Breathe to Wealth book’s website:
Instagram: @KhwanEpiphany
TikTok: @KhwanEpiphany

The money epiphany