Epiphany Financial Therapy


Breath, Brain, and Financial Wellness for High-Achievers

Breath, Brain, and Financial Wellness for High-Achievers

Discover how high-achievers can transform their lives by harnessing the power of breath and brain to overcome financial stress and unlock true potential. Shallow breathing and limiting money beliefs may hold you back, but integrating conscious breathwork and mindset shifts can empower clarity and confidence. Explore the profound connection between emotional resilience, financial wellness, and mindful practices for a future of abundance and success.

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Taking Control of Your Finances: A Guide to Motivational Interviewing Financial Therapy

Taking Control of Your Finances: A Guide to Motivational Interviewing Financial Therapy

Struggling to find financial clarity despite your career success? Discover how Motivational Interviewing Financial Therapy (MIFT) can help you break through financial stress, align your goals, and empower your relationship with money. This client-centered approach brings empathy, self-efficacy, and personalized support to your financial journey, helping you navigate resistance and inspire lasting change. Embrace the empowering potential of MIFT to take the reins of your financial future!

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Meet Khwan Hathai… Financial Therapist and Author

Meet Khwan Hathai… Financial Therapist and Author

Meet Khwan Hathai... Financial Therapist and AuthorKhwan is a trailblazing Certified Financial Planner and Certified Financial Therapist, who earned her Master of Science in Financial Planning. As she combines her qualifications and extensive professional experience...

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The Magnetic Power of Gratitude in Attracting Prosperity

The Magnetic Power of Gratitude in Attracting Prosperity

The Magnetic Power of Gratitude in Attracting Prosperity Grasping the concept that everything in our universe, including money, is fundamentally composed of energy, transforms our approach to financial prosperity. It becomes evident that our 'money energy'—a unique...

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Demystifying Cognitive Behavioral Financial Therapy

Demystifying Cognitive Behavioral Financial Therapy

Demystifying Cognitive Behavioral Financial TherapyGreetings to all the high-achieving women out there! Navigating the competitive professional landscape comes with its share of stresses, and one of the most common is managing personal finances. Amid your busy...

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Mastering Financial Stress: The Biopsychosocial Key

Mastering Financial Stress: The Biopsychosocial Key

Mastering Financial Stress: The Biopsychosocial KeyGreetings, unstoppable women of impact! Today, we're embarking on an exploration of a game-changing method that will shift your money stress from sky-high to serene: The Biopsychosocial Model. As high-flyers carving...

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Shattering Taboos

Shattering Taboos

Shattering Taboos: How Addressing Your ‘Dirty Laundry’ Can Lead to Financial EmpowermentWelcome to this week's insightful entry of the Financial Freedom Femme Blog, where we dare to confront what is frequently veiled – the societal stigma associated with discussing...

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Feeling financially overwhelmed?
Take charge with our free 7-Day Checklist: From Financial Fatigue to Fired Up and discover practical steps to unlock financial power, peace, and lasting prosperity.